The cloud is still a bit frizzy at times. The hotel internet had a breakdown, hence no update last nightthen, which is not a huge loss as it was rather late already and my usual update is supposed to happen in the mornings anyway.
I however seem to be getting into the habit of sitting in my bed at night with my netbook tucked between the bed sheets and my legs and writing a few things which today are comprising of cars, food, meetings, hotels and more food. Oh yes, and hotels! Let me start with those…
I already elaborated on the quality of the interior design of the first hotel in my previous post and all I can add is now is that the architect must have won his degree in the lottery as the metal window sills just wouldn’t work well in the rain, and the internal balcony style with the breakfast area didn’t go down well with Detlef either as he didn’t sleep a minute due to the blasting noise.
After a really rather nice breakfast and
successful bathroom routine – yes, I know it’s an odd subject, but be honest: How many travel days did you already get spoilt by problems in that area?

See, it IS important! – however, we set out to pick up our car from the hire and insisted in enjoying the day, despite the lack of sleep.

Satnav insisted in sending us via the scenic route while we insisted on the motorway… the lady seemed to be snappier after we realized and had turned round. As payback she sent us down a tiny road in the back of the university where we wanted to meet Kerstin instead of the front door, but it wouldn’t be us, the gadget people driving, outsmarting the satnav. iPhone, roaming, Google Maps - and a few pound less as well as quite some percentage down in power we were back on track and had a lovely coffee and lunch with the darling girl.
I have to give a quick lecture about the merits of this type of university…apart from the fact that students who pay for their education might be a bit more inspired for starters.
Zeppelin University is a small university, 700 students, and a concept of letting them DO stuff, not just fake tasks but real stuff. These students organize their own job fairs with the precision of company bosses. They have, comms, financial, hospitality, and all sorts of teams needed to achieve that and our girl is the boss of them all, having to find out how to get the best out of them all, and to keeping it together. THAT is how managers are made.

But enough now of education and learning, back to fun and food! After a really good lunch at Zeppelin University we made out way to Tuebingen. That turned out to be a bit dreadful after the sleep lacking previous night. I didn’t do a good job in keeping dear hubby awake and only really eucalypty sharp chewing gums eventually made us alert enough to get there. We were determined to fall to bed as soon as we would see one, and then our day went quite differently.
The town of Tuebingen was calling, so we went for coffees and cakes, then had a crisp walk to our friends house - I am taking some pride in having found my ways without technical devices this time – had an exhilarating discussion about environmental issues with my lovely goddaughter – be prepared about some research into environmentally friendly fashion lines in the future – met her mum who eventually came from working at the wine market in preparation for today’s event, and after a dinner with loads of pasta, ohoh, and a lot of wine, we had another brisk walk back to the hotel where we passed out around midnight.
Oh this hotel is really great! So calm, I really thought there might not be a lot of people here, but the breakfast room is breaking full. We didn’t hear a thing all night. So we are well rested and ready to hit town as soon as I sent this post. So I will stop it now and will leave you to your Saturday chores while we will have a day of more food and wine!
… be prepared to some even wobblier grammar than usual, though!
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